samedi 7 décembre 2013


So, as we seen on the pyramid, companies choose to take the emotional side of the pyramid. But, not in the same way: Dove takes the emotional part of everywoman to make them feeling well on their body and like everyone. Le petit Marseillais take the emotional way to climb the pyramid by putting the accent on the family and the traditional but also rational way thanks to the reference to a natural product.
Every advertising of dove is feeling oriented to make woman feel better, major part of the communication is oriented like that.
Concerning le petit Marseillais, even they insist of the natural virtues of the product (the rational side), the most importance of the communication is about the family, the smell of the product, the remember.

That’s why, Dove is very active on the social medias: 20 MILLIONS OF LIKES !!

453 968 talking about it so they have a very active community which shares photos of them in front of advertising, with encouraging messages, something far away from soap (clothes, ...), funny images or drawings about woman life.

Le petit Marseillais is very late compare to dove with less than one million likes on the facebook page

Concerning instagram, they both don’t have a real presence: le petit marseillais even doesn’t have an account whereas dove has an account with one thousand followers but with only one publication within 23 weeks.

Viral Marketing
Dove is really present in the viral marketing, they really manage the “buzz” by making campaign showing models without any retouch on software or by making people do there self portrait of how the see themselves and after the portrait of how people see them. The aim is to see that women have a bad image of themselves and that they have to be self-confident.

Concerning Le petit Marseillais, the company is very less active concerning street and viral marketing but they try to make some stuff like this summer when the make a tour of the market of the south of the France in a traditional old French car to sell their products but also traditional product like fruit and vegetables.

So, Finally, these two brands are actors of the French market. But, just dove has an international orientation really more important than Le Petit Marseillais.
We have at least some recommendations for these 2 brands.
Concerning Dove, they have to continue the strategy but not forgiving the men issue. That is to say even if they are focused on woman communication, they also have to attach importance to the men market. Because, we seen in our survey that Dove is always associated with woman. They also have to still being creative and make people feeling good in their skin; I think it is the best way to climb the pyramid.
As regards le Petit Marseillais, they have to intensify their development abroad if they want to compete with Dove. They have to accentuate their digital strategy because today it is poor and for the brand awareness it is something really important. Furthermore they really have to increase the brand awareness and the brand recognitions because we see in survey that nobody recognize the logo of Le Petit Marseillais. Maybe, they can make Le Petit Marseillais a real character to become the embodiment of the brand. End, they can also reinforce the image of the family to win market share.

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